Charts like this won't give you answers, but they should help you ask better questions!
Table of Contents |
BurnUp / 'Landing Zone'
Purpose: Show the likely range of dates that a piece of work is likely to finish.
Primary audience: Stakeholders and team
Can be used for a squad team but more likely for a fix Fix Version or Epic
Adjust assumptions about scope and throughput rate to see how this might effect the dates
Review history to see if throughput or scope have had any expected changes
Toggle between count of Issues or Points (if you have done estimating)
Select the date range - either manually here or with the slider
Adjust the rate at which the scope line is flattened out.
The projected scope is based on assumed adjustments to the historical rate and the rate of scope growth. Higher numbers will flatten out the projected scope. The number refers to the rate at which the scope projection is decreased by..
There is a upper and lower scope increase to give you a range
Adjust projected completion rate. This shows the range of completion rates, based on historical completion rate.
The manual overide override enables you to make assumptions about throughput rate.. and it overrides the historically based rate in (4). You might use this if there is not yet any history for the fix version / epic
Decide on what your 'Definition of Done' state is
Use the slicers to select Project, Fix Version, Components or Labels. These filters in this section persist across all charts.
Purpose: See the mix of work being done by a squad or Swimlane team - showing Issue Type
Primary audience: Stakeholders and Product Owners
Shows the number of stories that took x days (cycle time) to get across the state(s) selected in 2
Select what you want to measure cycle time across
e.g. how much time stories spent in development
You can see one more more issue types
Decide if you want to remove outliers
Select data range
Ageing Detail
Purpose: Identify work that has become stuck or forgotten whilst in the selected state e.g. In progress or 'ready for deployment'
Choose the state which you are interested in
Narrow search by one of the slicers
Y-axis shows the number of days that each item has been in that state
Throughput History Trend
Purpose: Shows the number of stories of total story points completed each week over time, with a trend line.
Primary audience: Team
See how the items being completed is trending over time
Show the team how volatile their completion rates are changing
Relative date selector
Slice by any of these criteria
Turn trend lines on/off
Shows the average through-put per week for the time period selected
Change to ‘Points’ or Count
Planned Vs Un-Planned
Purpose: Shows the ratio of planned (stories) and un-planned (defects, other) work over time.
Primary audience: Team
Show the team how many of their time is being spent on un-planned work
Show the team how volatile their completion rates are changing with respect to planned and un-planned work
Relative date selector
Slice by any of these criteria
Turn trend lines on/off
Change to ‘Points’ or Count
Shows the average through-put per week for the time period selected for Stories, Defects and Other work item types
Defect Percentage Trend
Purpose: Shows how the percentage of all work completed, which is un-planned, changes over time
Primary audience: Team
Allows the team to look back at heavily un-planned periods and to try and analyse what was the cause in order to stop it re-occurring
Allows the team to look for patterns of increases in un-planned work
Relative date selector
Slice by any of these criteria
Turn trend lines on/off
Change to ‘Points’ or Count
Shows the average amount of work each week that is made up of un-planned defects
Purpose: Shows the flow of work through the team’s various states over time
Primary audience: Team
Allows the team to
Check their flow
Determine bottlenecks in their system
Predict future blockers
Relative date selector
Slice by any of these criteria
Show/Hide certain backlog statuses
Lead Time By Phase
Purpose: Allows the team to define their preparation and delivery lead time definitions and see how they trend over time
Primary audience: Stakeholders, Team
See how the different lead times trend over time and allow action to be taken where appropriate to help maintain/decrease it.
Shows the ratio between the preparation and delivery aspect of delivery
Relative date selector
Use this filter to select the team’s 'Delivery Lead Time' statuses
Use this filter to select the team’s 'Delivery Preparation Time' statuses
Slice by any of these criteria
85th Percentile Lead Time
Purpose: Shows the trend of the 85th percentile of lead time for different work item types
Primary audience: Stakeholders, Team
The 85th percentile gives the team a good idea for outwardly telling stakeholders how long it takes an item to be completed
The visual is broken down into different work item types so the team can see how long planned and un-planned work takes respectively
Relative date selector
Use this filter to define the ‘Lead Time’ definition for the team
Slice by any of these criteria
Turn trend lines on/off
Shows the 85th Percentile lead time over the selected date rate (in days)