Estimate Accuracy

Estimate Accuracy

Use this chart to...

  • See how good your team's estimating has been and whether it's worth trying to improve it.
  • Good input for retrospectives, where you can focus on some of the outliers to understand the root cause for the correlation between work item size and progression time.

What the chart shows...

  • The strength of the correlation between and work item size (typically measured in story points) and the time it takes to go across the selected number of 'In Progress' states.  
    • Where 1 means there is a very strong correlation and 0 means no correlation.
  • Hover over the blob to see details of the item cycle time - click through to open the item
  • Issues and bugs are shown in different colours

Setting up the chart

  • Decide on which issue types to track. Probably the user stories as most teams don't estimate bugs, 
  • Select the states which represent 'in progress'