Release Notes - 2016
1st December 2016
- PBI Correlation - fix duplicate Id issues
- CFD - Add 'hide' to CFD chart settings
- VSTS - menu with 'Home' and 'Support'
- PDS - Fix popup has wrong data
- BurnUp - to handle having date set back to historic date
- Burnup - Fix filtering by feature
- BurnUp & PDS - Allow a history limit to be set in visualisation.config
- BurnUp - Fix Jira done states issue on Burnup
- Epic progress - Saved chart not showing new feature parents
- All charts - Fix when no AreaPaths are selected including "All" error
- All charts - Fixes for dashboards issues
- All charts - added spinner to home page
- All charts - remove All tag
- All charts - move buttons off the charts into dropdowns above the charts
- All charts - fixed Help links
- All charts - Jira Marketplace POC
- All charts - Updated Jira status ordering
- All charts - Change Path filtering use of UNDER to =
- All charts - Fix issue with greater than 20000 workitems handling in 2015/VSTS
21st October 2016
- UI - Layout improvements
- All charts - caching fixes
14th September 2016
- All charts - caching performance improvements
3rd August 2016
- BurnUp - Fix sorting by date on popup
- PDS - Fix no done items issue
- WIP - Fix chart truncates on right side
- WIP - Fix save of unassigned setting
- All charts - Fix created date on newly saved charts
23rd July 2016
- CFD - Add burn up style data to popup
- CFD - New style state selector
- BurnDown - Fix for data loading issue causing flat lined charts
- BurnDown - Add done states selection via new Chart Settings ((e.g. allows Closed as a done state)
- Data - Improved testing via mocking
13th July 2016
- Fix - handle null workitem titles
- Dashboards - Add CFD and BurnDown
11th July 2016
- Fix saved charts table memory issue and performance
- BurnUp - Fix cache issue for selection of workitem different types
8th July 2016
- WIP - remove redundant save png button
- Burnup - ultra fast loading of saved chart
- Saved charts data table - less columns displayed for clarity
5th July 2016
- Jira - all charts now available
- All charts - new tags / label selector with type ahead functionality
- Epic Progress - toggle between show estimates and count
- PDS - split long title data over multiple lines
- Provide a default mode in REST to not use SOAP api if unavailable when getting effort field
- Priority order as double to handle large numbers (several billion)
- Favorite Charts
- Default landing / home page to saved charts / favorites
- Burn Down - fix given key not present in dictionary
- Hangs on loading states fixed
- Add deleted item handling for 2015 api
13th June 2016
- Performance enhancements
- Cache debug options increased
1st June 2016
New Functionality:
- Potentially Deliverable Scope (PDS) in beta.
- WIP and PDS are now included in Dashboard
Minor enhancements
- Jira data loading updated
- Mode 2 filter for Burn Up and PDS
23rd May 2016
- Tags selection - All now always at top of the list
- Paths load limit - can be set in the visualization.config file
19th May 2016
New Functionality
- Dashboards can show BurnUp and Feature Progress visuals
- Dashboards on VSTS
Minor Enhancements
- PBI Treemap, order PBIs by state
- BurnUp - Filtering on the DIFF column in the popup table
- Jira to exclude loading released and archived versions
- BurnUp - Advance Filter
- Jira - Performance changes
- Filter selection panel aborts existing selection data loads when selection changes
- BurnUp - Fix to the Completed Work popup table not showing items involved in decrease
- Jira - Not to display team on chart surface
- Logging - addition of logging capability
- Epic Progress - increase space for labels
- BurnUp - Resize
- Epic Progress - Resize
- Jira - Fix for Jira Dashboard showing project ID rather than name
3rd May 2016
- BurnUp - Add Dashboard capability
- Fix IE error seen primarily in VSTS and hanging when loading Kanban States
- Fix 2D Backlog - Enforce a minimum size to prevent resizing down to non visible
- Fix for Jira data retrieval and caching issues.
- Fix Epic Progress - Jira colours
14th April 2016
- Fix - Caching filtering issue
- Fix - Chrome state colours
13th April 2016
- Fix - Caching date format issue
- Fix - VSTS scrolling on the homepage and saved charts page
- Enhanced cache admin with a cache priming tool that allows the cache to be fully rebuilt by an admin
11th April 2016
- EpicProgress - Jira enhancements
- BurnUp - Jira enhancements
- BurnUp - Caching enhancements
- TFS 2013 query performance improvements
24th March 2016
- BurnUp - Caching enhancements
18th March (as previous release)
17th March 2016
- Backlog Health PBI - Fix no chart drawn.
- BurnDown - Fix always drawing down to the end of the last day
- PBITreeMap - Fix drill down not working
- Data filtering and selection panel - Workaround for VSO access issue
11th March 2016
- Features
- Burn Up - Available in Jira
- Burn Up - Caching option to improve performance (TFS and Jira)
- Burn Up - Allow selection of multiple Epics
- Burn Up - Fix issue of chart settings not saving
- Burn Up - Fix big white space gap above chart in VSTS
- Burn Up - Only show right hand count axis when appropriate
- Burn Down - Fix missing dates on Current Sprint
- Correlation - Remove items with no estimates from the correlation
- All Charts - In data filtering and selection select All now de-selects children
- All Charts - Fix data filtering and selection cache issue; cache should not be shared across users
- All Charts - Fix sub team virtual states not being picked up
- Requirements Readiness don't group by Area Path
- Support Feedback direct link to ZenDesk
11th February (as previous release)
9th February 2016
- Features
- VSTS All Charts add scrolling
- Burn Down show weekends on chart and ideal trend line exclude weekends
- Burn Down Fix for last day of sprint not fully burning down
- Epic Progress add axis labelling
- Epic Progress show () around removed Epics on y axis, display state in popup and URL to edit Epic
- PBI Correlation make dots same size
- Burn Up selection of Epic for filtering
2nd February 2016
- Features
- Licensing introduced
- Burn Up allows override of calculated estimate
- Burn Up can toggle chart as count or effort
- Burn Up Fix for negative scope issue
- CFD shows *e for un-estimated in the popup dialog.
- No display of Collection or Project in VSTS as in context
- WIP Fix for undefined issue in VSTS
- Fix for All not being default in Area selection
- 2D Backlog Fix for scaling issue
- 2D Backlog Fix for loosing the moveable title
- Spinners on Iteration and Area selectors when loading
- JIRA infrastructure
21st January 2016
- Features
- Fix Staleness not displaying workitem types in the chart area
- Makes states case agnostic
- New chart 2 D Backlog
- Combine colours for renamed states
- Fix for exceeding concurrency limit of 100 with very large data sets
- Trial of more compact states selection layout on 2 D Backlog
- Trial of moveable chart title data info on 2 D Backlog
- New client specific automated release process to a client download site
16th December
- Features
- StuckPBI performance improvements
- StuckPBI colours for PBI, Bug and Blocked
- StuckPBI 20 day rolling mean
- New chart PBI correlation
- Epic Progress fix scaled down font size issues
- Notes: This release is BRANDED
10th December
- Features
- Notes: This release has SenseAdapt GENERIC branding
10th December
- Features
- Tree view for area path
- Multi area path select
- Notes: This release is BRANDED
9th December
- Features
- StuckPBI on home page
- Team Field can be set via config
- Team Project default can be set via config
- Burn Down: Fix for no start dates, short X axis and short Y axis
- All Charts: Fix for index must be within bounds of list
- Notes: This release has SenseAdapt GENERIC branding
8th December
- Features
- Branding
8th December
- Features
- All Charts: Tree view iteration control
- All Charts: Teams based iterations selection
- Burn Up: Bars for bugs now show done and not done
- All Charts: Further consolidation around states and ordering
- Branding
2nd December
- Features
- All Charts: Further consolidation around states and ordering
30th November
- Features
- BurnDown: Display PBI points curve even when there are no children Tasks
- BurnUp: Rounding of bug bars and reposition of Optimistic and Pessimistic labels
- All Charts: use buttons in place of ratio for chart options where only one option exists
- All Charts: Wrap iteration path in selector and right justify only available in Chrome
- All Charts: If no kanban board states available use the base states
- Fix for text colour opposites in Chrome
- Fix for click on red markers in BurnUp
- Fix for internal server error on some data loads
25th November
- Features
- Allocate automatic different colours for states for clearer CFD
- Revert to the underlying base template state when a Kanban state has been removed from the Kanban board
- Renamed Kanban states retain history of previous Kanban state
24th November
- Features
- Hide data table on Tree Map
- New chart added
- Moveable data popups
- Iteration path hover over to show long paths
19th November
- Features
- Drop downs caching to improve performance
- Multiple iteration path selection in Burn Up and CFD
- Do not show full qualified names in WIP
- Add bottom section to the un-estimated column in Burn Up
- Add chart title to browser window
- VSO enhancements
11th November
- Features
- Some caching to improve performance
- Re-factor charts to be faster by filtering on more data server side
- Multiple TAG selection in WIP, Epic Progress and CFD
5th November
- Features
- Drop downs with alphabetic sort
- Multiple TAG selection in Burn Up and Down
- Additions to diagnostics page
- Popup data table refactoring including reorder of now and was
- Added features to support VSO
- Toggle data panel on and off
28th October
- Features
- CFD using the 'virtual Kanban states' including history
- Show proportion of Bugs in the scope (toggle-able)
- Multiple iterations in 'Select data'
- Monte Carlo
- Refinement of data based on second client's actual project data
- Fixed:
- WIP not showing PBI table
- Burn-up:
- Toggle to show unestimated PBIs
- Set throughput manually, for use when there is no historical throughput data to use
- Choose multiple iteration paths
- Set the 'Definition of Done' for a specific chart e.g. for Burn-up
- Other
- New SenseAdapt branding and colours
- Colours customisable for a client
- Enable use of the REST Api in TFS 2015 - making application faster
- Monte Carlo
- Validation of engine with client data on two large projects - further refinement of model
- Display of results updated
- Features
- Show chart data in the searchable, downloadable table form
- Show proportion of unestimated PBIs in Burnup scope (toggle-able)
- Monte Carlo
- Early validation and improvement of model, using our internal project data
- Monte Carlo simulation demonstration of cards on across the board
- Simulation speed increased by factor of 10
- Other
- Further automation of deployment into client sites for easy frequent upgrades
SenseAdapt version created for Visual Studio Online
- Creation of Monte Carlo simulation engine
- Automated deployment to client sites
- Security tied into client's Active Directory, so that users can only see charts they have permissions for
- Features
- Change settings for Burn-up. Sampling frequency, history to use in mean calculation
- New Charts
- Sprint Burndown
- Backlog Health
- Features
- Drill through to PBI in TFS
- New Charts
- PBI Staleness
- Feature Progress
- Features
- Click to save charts, with specific settings
- New Charts
- Requirements Readiness
- Treemap
- WIP by team member
- Burn-up / Landing Zone