Installation on JIRA

Installation on JIRA


SenseAdapt JIRA connects to JIRA via the JIRA ReST API. When installing SenseAdapt JIRA , ensure you can access JIRA from a web browser on the target machine.

SenseAdapt uses single sign-on, OAuth, to authenticate users and ensure they only see the projects they allowed to. See the OAuth Setup page for instructions on how to do this.


  • Windows Server 2008 (or higher)
    • Internet Information Server
    • ASP.NET
    • .NET Framework 4.5 or above
  • SenseAdapt License file

Setting up IIS

  • Create a website in IIS. If you are sharing an IIS box you can place SenseAdapt onto a different port to avoid conflicts with other sites.
  • Unzip the contents of the install package to the root of your new site
  • Create an APP_DATA folder in the root of the site and place your licence file for SenseAdapt here. Ensure this folder has full read write and create access from the app pool account that SenseAdapt is running under.
  • In the app Pool in IIS ensure that .net 4 integrated mode is selected
  • Ensure the app pool in IIS is set to "Enable 32 bit applications" is set to true.

Configuration file

Locate the visualisation.confg file in the root directory and locate the following keys and change them to your environment variables. Please note the variables names are prefixed with "tfs" because SenseAdapt had orginally been created for TFS first.

<add key="tfsServerURL" value="http://jira server url/" />
<add key="tfsUserName" value="john" />
<add key="tfsPassword" value="johnspassword" />
<add key="ServerType" value="jira"/>
<add key="EnableCacheDatabase" value="false" />

To complete your installation you will need to configure logging